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Madonna et Jesus: photos hot!

Madonna 50 ans, s’est offert une séance photos  pour le magazine W avec le mannequin brésilien Jesus Luz de 22 ans , devenu son mec depuis.Mate les photos :

Pour la suite des photos, clique: ici

4 Réponses to “Madonna et Jesus: photos hot!”

  1. hello madonna you are so hot and sexy i love you so much i’m from belgium i’ve 25 years old i can’t stay with oute listenig to youre song’s specialy if you forget me , ssecret justify my love and erotica so i know all your album’s and i WICH that same day we will meet so i’m sexy too héhéso kiss you so good mado nourdine

  2. i live youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!give up ! nourdine can i have a word from you ?

  3. hello , kiss from belgium madonnnnaa
    If You Forget Me

    I want you to know
    one thing.

    You know how this is:
    if I look
    at the crystal moon, at the red branch
    of the slow autumn at my window,
    if I touch
    near the fire
    the impalpable ash
    or the wrinkled body of the log,
    everything carries me to you,
    as if everything that exists:
    aromas, light, metals,
    were little boats that sail
    toward those isles of yours that wait for me.
    ohhhh my love oh my own …………i love youuu

  4. hey baby i love you xxxxx

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